I was lucky enought for my friend KittyR from IMDB to tell me about these AWESOME forums all about Sharon, Cielo, Gibby, Helter Skelter, Etc....If you are a Sharon fan it's the place to be!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
OK, if you are new to this blog and you scoll down and see a bloody pic, it is NOT Sharon. It is a LIVE person convered in FAKE blood pretending to be Sharon and trying to pass it off as art. I had someone write me and bless me out for putting up "death pics". I've said it a MILLION times and I will say it AGAIN, there are NO DEATH PICS/CRIME SCENE PICS ON THIS BLOG!!!!!!! Thank you! xoxo
PS-New posts coming tonight!
PS-New posts coming tonight!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Happy Days at the Love House

If it's even possible, lets remember the happy times Sharon had at Cielo Dr. Although the property was beautiful, I think Sharon would have been happy anywhere at this point in her life. She was so excited to be a mother. It has been said over and over again that Sharon called the Cielo house her "Love House". Her sister Deborah says this is not totally true. According to Deborah the Summit Ridge house was her dream home and the Cielo house was just something that was sufficient for the time being since they had to suddenly leave Summit Ridge. (Patty Duke was going to sale them the house, but changed her mind at the last min) I don't know what the truth is, but I have Roman and Sharon's realtor say how much Sharon loved the Cielo property. Whatever the truth may be, I do believe Sharon was happiest here. She had so much to look forward to and it was all taken before she could really enjoy it. But for now, lets re-live some of the good moments with Sharon and friends!
PS-the second pic from the top (the blue and yellow Pucci dress) is a pic of Sharon in the dress she was buried in. Sad.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Celebrating Sharon's Fabulous Style!

I tried to find pics of Sharon where she dressed herself, instead of publicity shots. I noticed she seemed to stick to earth tones and neutrals, lots of elegant black. Mini skirts were, of course, a must! (with legs like that, why not) Sharon liked to wear her hair straight and I never saw her in real bright lipstick. If she ever did wear makeup, it was to emphasize her beautiful eyes! I personally think she looked the best with no makeup! (my 3 fav pics EVER are the top pic and the 2 under it that are together) Sharon was a style ICON, she embodied the decade in which she lived and embraced a changing style. Forever young and beautiful....the most beautiful angel in Heaven..
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Maybe I shouldn't put this up....however, I feel that it needs to been seen. This is what people are passing off as art. I guess what I would like to say most to the creators of such filth is, "what if that was your mother, sister, or child whose death portrait was being recreated and shown to the world for pleasure?". I wanted Sharon fans to see this only because I want us to never forgot the many injustices that have been placed upon Sharon. People who aren't die hard fans, may see this on google and just think of Sharon as a Manson murder victim. She was much more than that. Let's continue to spread the word of her wonderful LIFE! Sharon deserves it. Her family deserves it. Here is the link to the "artist". Do with it what u like!!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The Monster Within...

Full House producer Jeff Frankilin ownes the new home on Cielo Dr. As you can see the address has been changed from 10050 to 10066 to confuse tourists. (to no avail..) I can't say its not a fabulous home, because CLEARLY it is. However, the home does not fit to its surroundings. I can honestly say I liked the other house more. I say this not just because Sharon lived there, but because I was a HUGE fan of the beautiful landscaping and lush greenery of that property. Everything on it was charming, from the kidney shaped pool to the split-rail fence. There is way too much concrete on and around the new home to suit me. It doesn't seem very welcoming, if anything it seems almost menacing. I have to admit I am crushed that I will never be able to see the original house. Breaks my heart. But in some unslefish way I guess I could see why they had to get rid of it. (although I never would have) I'm sure it attracted all sorts of Manson loving weirdos. Hope you all enjoy the photos!!
Cielo in Art

This is a painting of the Cielo Dr. living room by artist David Anfam. I can't help but to love it. It seems rather abstract, but I love some of the details. Notice the dressing table in the hall...it wasn't there in reality, but it is used to imply that a rising starlet lived there. Good stuff. I wish I could buy it, but I think it costs over 6 grand. hmmmm..oh well!
I'm putting up lots of cool pics of the new Monster Mansion that now sits on the Tate house site. I found some really cool pics of the inside and while it is beautiful, it lacks the charm of the old house.(too much concrete?) Just wait till you see the view from the master bedroom....wow.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Sharon & Jay

I've heard numerous times over the years that Jay wore Sharon's class ring she gave him while they were "together" up until the day he died. The thought of that gives me chills. They had a special kind of relationship. It has also been speculated that Sharon and Jay contined a romantic relationship due to the "hobbies" of Mr. Polanski. I honestly don't believe that at all. There were feelings there, they loved each other. But if Sharon wanted Jay romanitcally she could have married him when she had she chance. With that said, I have a feeling that he would have taken her back at the drop of a hat. Regardless of the situation, I loved them together. Looking at pics of them makes me smile:)
Monday, April 12, 2010
Rare Sharon
Some Beautiful Cielo Pics!

The top picture is the Cielo Dr. living room (where the murders took place) circa '94 while Nine Inch Nails were recording "the Downward Spiral" there. The house was demolished soon after.
Can anyone tell me who that is in the in bike pic with Sharon. They are riding their bikes through the Cielo Dr. gates. (pretty rare pic) Doesn't look like Gibby or any of Sharon's sisters? (note Prudence running along side Sharon's bike!)
Pics of Sharon, Roman, and others at Cielo coming soon! Also just found some rare pics of Sharon, so those will be up soon also.
Thank you for checking out my Sharon Tate fan page. I have loved Sharon even before I realized she was the pregnant actress slaughtered by the Manson "Family". Since then I have absorbed every bit of information I could about her. I have read Helter Skelter (of course), but my favorite book on the subject is Sharon Tate and the Manson Murders by Greg King. It should be said, that I read everything with an open mind because I believe the only ones who know for sure about the events of that night are those who died there. The Manson fruitcakes, I believe, are not the most reliable sources for obvious reasons.
Anyway, I hope you will check back with me. I have lots of rare pictures and stories based on years of research. It's worth mentioning that although I will discuss the murders, NO crime scene pics will be posted here out of respect. If you want to see them, they are not hard to find. Thank you for joining me!
Anyway, I hope you will check back with me. I have lots of rare pictures and stories based on years of research. It's worth mentioning that although I will discuss the murders, NO crime scene pics will be posted here out of respect. If you want to see them, they are not hard to find. Thank you for joining me!
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